I hear that in someways,

There is a  colonising nature that is attached to conforming with the logic of white supremecy, Ive Been thinking a lot about Bell Hooks she spent a lot of time trying to address the lovelessness that is attached to male adolescence 

Well Actually 

Well Actually 

Well Actually 

Should of GateKept

Should of GateKept

Should of GateKept

Being Woke

Being Woke

 ----------Earthquake magnitude one -----INTERUPTION---------of the worst kind----------go------

so basically why. its devisive to say dont allow white people to educate themselves on the subject of black history its just dumb, and ignorant, The whole pedagogy behind white supremecy and the patriachy requires that you are ignorant to the history of black writers and thinkers and writers who have not just documented the black freedom struggle but broken down the white supremecist logic that posits the brown body and mind in a catagory of inferiority to pale skinned folk by all measures.

To argue for the protection of indiginous or cultural knowledge that is sacred to marginalised and oppressed groups and communities within the governing body that is extracting from these communities on a multilevelular-scaluler level makes sense. 

But if you want change in a capacity that is material and tangible unfortunately there is a reality that a majority of the population is white in America and the UK and therefore there requires a programme of education and re-education on a large scale. Which has to exist within a different system of organisation where these boundaries of class and race are broken down. 

Baiting for more ignorance makes it seem like you have some investment in the system of white supremecy and that you are eager for it not to be totally deminished as this would in part cause you to loose a part of a reality that you have internalised something you are not ready to let go as a benefactor-fitter of this system that you are in essense arguing you are against. 

It kind of sounds like your scared of the reality where we live in a system where gender is fully debinerised and the racist ideology of white supremecy is deconstructed. 
Youd prefer more of the same,
You toxic bitch x

and the reason why this comment does work to bait emotions, is that how are you ment to deconstruct what is quite an encoded message fed to you by an algorithm made to trigger a certain emotional response without giving you the time to intellectually process what is being fed to you, and then the doom scroll continues to the next dopamine hit. you fucking junky

Being Woke

A bit Longer 

A bit Longer

Protecting Encoded Knowledge from being colonised 

Coloniser culture is open to everyone, and inside is the sense that you are special and better then everyone else

Unfortunately it is true the pale whiteness of the colonising instict will when offered consume anything and everything that fits within its boundary 

The trade off although seemingly non existant or at least transparent, does actually have a cause an affect that can be measured. The first test is your mental health and the second is your normalised proclivitiy to be insensed positively by observing or enacting harm towards others. If not Ideas of grandure being the first faliable barrier. 

Annoyingly even coming in rather distant proximity to the globular transluscent mass of the body of the organism you will begin to become aware of its existance as things will not start to die that is far later on no.
You will begin to forget and to question your memory as the objects artefacts and complex lines of meaning in your life will begin to feel flatterend and unravelled into this one flat form that is the sign of the organism approaching.  Rather Slimy Dont you think

Actually yh have come back to this fucking that mentality unfortunately the tools of liberation are going to need to be taught to everybody, because no one so petty as an adult without purpose would come up with such a silly perversion of the importance for individuals, Children with a particularily urgency to all be able to be taught the spectrum of language and histories that make up the diverse beautiful world of humans that exist, all a world within a world. And fuck being ignorant towards that and wanting to gate keep progressive ideology which has come out of libetory struggles against those very children who were taught the psuedoscientific colonial imperialist garbage that we are fighting against in so many ways and on so many fronts to this day. That Shit gets me Vexxxed.
but i empathise with what your refering to with what feels like the extraction of an encoded knowledge which was specific to the black american or british or western experience. That should be honoured for what it is, as it and it goes with saying, 400 years of slavery and the industrialisation of slavery of the african continent through the atlantic slave trade. And the insumountable ramifications that has had on the Pan african Diaspora today. We still live in the empire the project still continues, it makes sense to want to gate keep the knowledge that comes with wokeness if you look back at the historical record the extraction of black culturual produce as white financial commodity is transparent.
I guess my frustration is that throwing light onto the politics of hidden and encoded information, you think would lead to the understanding that it is an essential part of the logic of extraction to misdirect and to uninform the workers... its a race and class issue.  no i get it on one level i think its just a bit of a waste of energy and to frame wokism in this way kind of seems uncreative, you could of been more precise. But I have a feeling the intention behind you venting this frustration wasnt done with desire for precision. Okay fine Free Speech 

Someone get me a drink