Bell hooks was speaking a lot about Black adolescent masculinity and the effeects of not instilling a sense of love in young men made me think of this dean blunt sample
Black MEtal 2
if your to move to the side the capitalist ideation of whiteness or imperial capital whiteness and you historiographically look at the culture of the western european proletariat or people and the culture
what are the things which can be aligned with, its a question. i Feel blessed because apart from football theres pretty much fuck all, too much decimation of localised cultures in the uk. just the irish pub left. I reckon its something like being british just kind of going yh my countries shit but im british and proud, kind of like nationalism, football sucks, i guess thats why you get this kind of facist nationalism thats fed from the top down because it gives working class communities who are being defunded and defamed a kind of something to identify with, that and football i guess. Its a bit shit but even it being a bit bit shit feels like something you can take ownership of i empathise, theres just an abuse of power which misaligns and miseducates working class people into believing that fuck posh cunts are going to save there ass. its all a bit american and stupid
VVVVVV put it aptly
weird when there seems to be a move for white academics to appropriate blackness as a subject of study for there academic analysis, seems like more of the same no more of the same.